Keys Bunkering West Japan, a joint venture established by Kyushu Electric Power, NYK Line, Itochu Enex , and Saibu Gas has held a ceremony to name and launch an LNG bunkering vessel, which is under construction at Mitsubishi Heavy Industries’ Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works’ Enoura Plant.
The 82m vessel, with 3800m3 LNG capacity, was named Keys Azalea after the azalea, the official flower of Kitakyushu in Fukuoka Prefecture, where Keys is based. The ship, due to enter service in March 2024, has an electric propulsion system with a dual fuel (LNG or fuel oil) generating plant.
The vessel will participate in the LNG coastal transportation business, in addition to LNG bunkering for ocean-going vessels calling at ports in the Kyushu-Setouchi area. This will be Japan’s first LNG bunkering project to supply LNG to vessels over the vast Kyushu and Setouchi area.
Keys Azalea will be Japan’s first LNG bunkering vessel to be equipped with a dual-fuel engine. The use of LNG fuel offers excellent environmental performance compared with traditional marine fuels. It is expected to be a bridge solution for decarbonisation, virtually eliminating SOx emissions and reducing NOx by about 80% and CO2 by 30%.