Jun 28, 2024 | Marine fuel & lubricant news

Amogy, a provider of ammonia-to-power solutions, and Mitsubishi Shipbuilding (MSB), a part of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group, have completed a feasibility study of collaboration concept designs of onboard hydrogen production and utilisation with Amogy’s ammonia-cracking technology and Mitsubishi Ammonia Supply and Safety System (MAmmoSS).

Amogy and MSB first established a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to undertake feasibility studies on an ammonia fuel supply system, with the aim of contributing to the target set by IMO of net zero GHG emissions in the maritime industry by or around 2050. Studies were conducted by the two companies to confirm the feasibility of two collaboration concept designs: a power train combining ammonia cracking and hydrogen fuel cell for ships; and a hydrogen supply facility for supplying hydrogen as pilot fuel to an ammonia fuelled engine.

Because ammonia is carbon-free, it is gaining attention as a fuel with the potential to contribute significantly to reducing GHG emissions in the maritime industry, and it is expected to be utilised in the future as a source of stable, clean energy. To unlock the potential of ammonia, Amogy has developed an ammonia-to-electrical power system that splits, or ‘cracks’, liquid ammonia into its base elements of hydrogen and nitrogen, which then funnels the hydrogen into a fuel cell, generating high-performance power. MSB will promote the decarbonisation of the maritime industry, realise a carbon-neutral society, and contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts on a global scale by continuing to develop marine ammonia handling systems, such as fuel supply systems for a wide range of ammonia fuel consumers including this collaboration for onboard hydrogen production and utilisation.

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