Sep 20, 2024 | Uncategorised, Ship classification news

KR (Korean Register) has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Hyundai Mipo (HD HMD) for its 23,000m3 Ammonia Bunkering Vessel and 18,000m3 LNG Bunkering Vessel, which KR believes helps pave the way for green shipping.

The development of these vessels should advance the maritime industry’s efforts to meet the ambitious IMO GHG reduction targets, which include at least 20% by 2030 and 70% by 2040, with a goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. The IMO’s move has galvanised the industry to explore cleaner maritime bunker fuels, with ammonia emerging as a promising solution due to its zero carbon emissions and low technical barriers. Shipping and energy companies are intensifying their focus on developing ammonia engines and fuel cell systems to commercialise zero-carbon vessels. At the same time, as many shipping companies have adopted LNG as a transitional fuel, the demand for LNG-fuelled vessels is growing steadily, which has also led to increasing interest in LNG bunkering vessels.

In response to this emerging trend, KR and HD HMD have been leading in addressing the challenges associated with this transition. HD HMD developed the initial design for the ammonia bunkering vessel, tailoring the cargo system to the distinctive properties of ammonia. KR conducted a rigorous review of the design, assessing it against classification rules and applicable domestic and international regulations, ensuring the design’s safety and compliance with industry standards and granted AiP to the vessel as a result.

KR has granted a second AiP to HD HMD’s LNG bunkering vessel. HD HMD, leveraging its expertise in gas carrier technology, led the initial design and developed the cargo systems for the vessel. KR reviewed the design in line with classification rules and domestic and international regulations, confirming its safety and compliance.

 Dong-jin Lee, HD HMD Head of Initial Design Division, said: “Ammonia and LNG are rapidly gaining traction as low-carbon alternative fuels. As the number of vessels powered by these fuels increases, we anticipate a rising demand for ammonia and LNG bunkering vessels. With these AiPs from KR, HD HMD has not only laid the groundwork for the commercialisation of ammonia bunkering but has also secured a diverse portfolio of bunkering vessels, aiming to take a leading position in the construction of bunkering vessels.”

Yeontae Kim, KR Technical Division EVP, said: “The collaborative development of the 23K ammonia bunkering vessel and the 18K LNG bunkering vessel is highly significant as the maritime industry increasingly focuses on alternative fuels to meet environmental regulations. KR is committed to ongoing technical support for developing environmentally friendly ships and technologies and guiding our customers through the energy transition.”

Image: Dong-jin Lee, HD HMD (left) and Daeheon Kim, KR (source: Korean Register)

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