May 27, 2022 | Marine environment & clean shipping news

European clean transport body the Waterborne Technology Platform is committed to develop solutions for the transition to zero-emission waterborne transport, whilst recognising the need for a diversified portfolio of sustainable alternative fuels.

Recently, the European Commission published the REPower EU Plan, designed to rapidly reduce European dependence on Russian fossil fuels and fast forward the green transition. The transport sector plays a key role in achieving the targets laid down in the European Green Deal. The Waterborne Technology Platform, amongst others via the Co-Programmed Partnership on Zero-Emission Waterborne Transport in Horizon Europe, is committed to develop and demonstrate solutions for zero-emission waterborne transport for all main ship types and services, before 2030.

Although the REPower EU Plan is key in supporting the transition to a net zero-emission society, it does not fully recognise the different needs of the waterborne transport sector to be able to achieve this objective timely. As the plan correctly points out, increased energy efficiency, electrification, and the use of sustainable alternative fuels will be key. However, the plan is currently focussing on a limited number of fuels only, thereby not fully considering the specificities of the waterborne transport sector.

The waterborne transport sector is highly international by nature and needs affordable greener energy sources to be available in large quantities worldwide. For a vessel to make use of these new energy sources, the power trains and fuel storage of the vessels have to be built to suit. This combined with the long lifetime of vessels means that ship owners are dependent on choosing the right greener fuel(s) for their vessels now to comply with coming regulations. Factors such as vessel type, voyage pattern and storage capability onboard also play into the decision on which energy carrier and power train technology would be the best match. The most suitable solution for a small coastal ferry will be different from the best option for an oceangoing container vessel.

Eero Lehtovaara, Chairman, Waterborne Technology Platform, said: “The timely transition to zero-emission waterborne transport is key for our climate, and for our future generations. However, in order to achieve zero-emission waterborne transport, taking into account the need to retrofit and rebuilt the current fleet, there is an urgent need to develop and demonstrate solutions for the use of multiple sustainable alternative fuels. As an industry wide technology platform, we have a vital role in developing and demonstrating solutions for zero-emission waterborne transportation – in order to ensure the transition happens fast enough.”

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