Maritime industry leaders from across the US and Canada met recently at ABS’ World Headquarters to discuss developments in offshore, government and marine market trends along with the latest in technology, sustainability and regulatory initiatives.
Christopher J Wiernicki, ABS Chairman and CEO said: “Conversations around which alternative fuel will lead the market will continue, and we expect dominant contenders to emerge over the next decade, but the best alternative fuel today is efficiency. The maritime industry continues to be shaped by extensive uncertainty, influenced by a changing regulatory framework and evolving boundary conditions of safety, fuel availability and scalability and ship-to-port infrastructure. As we look ahead to 2050, we must see these mounting challenges as opportunities for the industry, both to improve operational efficiencies and drive down costs. The scale and magnitude of the hurdles ahead are formidable, but platforms like this and other collaborative efforts with industry and government will help shape future solutions.”
The members of the ABS North America Regional Committee heard how the classification society has secured the number one position in global orderbook share and grown the fleet to 285 million gross tons, with more than 11,400 assets.
Christopher Bulera, incoming ABS North America Regional Committee Chairman and Manager of ConocoPhillips Global Marine, said: “I am honoured to be appointed as the incoming ABS North America Regional Committee Chairman and look forward to continuing collaborating with ABS and other industry leaders to support safety and sustainability in the maritime industry. It is critical to understand the impact that regulations, technologies and alternative fuels will have on the overall maritime landscape. Questions remain and the challenges ahead are complex, but I’m confident we will find safe and environmentally-sound solutions by working together.”
The meetings are a forum for ABS members, including owners, operators, charterers, and industry representatives from flag administrations, owner associations, and the shipbuilding and insurance sectors, to come together with ABS leaders and discuss safety and other industry issues and developments, providing an ongoing dialogue with the industry to address technical, operational and regulatory challenges.