Jul 26, 2024 | Marine environment & clean shipping news

The Canadian CSL Group reports that its 8600dwt mechanical/pneumatic cement carrier ‘Sunnanvik’ is the first cargo ship equipped with sails to operate in the Great Lakes.

The vessel is owned and operated by CSL and SMT joint venture Eureka, and began trading on the Lakes in April 2024. Two flexible, vertical Ventofoil sails from Econowind were installed on the ship in 2023 as part of CSL’s ongoing commitment to invest in and test cutting-edge eco-friendly technologies to reduce emissions. The sails are mounted in movable containers with reinforced deck foundations, allowing them to harness wind energy for additional thrust. This not only boosts the vessel’s speed in favourable conditions but can also lower emissions.

The installation of the sails was completed in just 10 days, and the insights gained from Sunnanvik will guide CSL’s future projects. The company is exploring the potential to apply this on other ships for a more sustainable maritime industry.

Image: Ventofoils on cement carrier ‘Sunnavik’, first sail power on Great Lakes (source: CSL Group)

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