Dec 20, 2023 | Shipbuilding & ship repair news

According to trade organisation Danske Rederier, Danish shipping companies currently have 67 new ships in the order book, which will be delivered from shipyards around the world, over half of which will be able to sail on  green fuels.

This increases the number of Danish ships in the order books for the 3rd year in a row. 35 of the ordered vessels, just over 52%, are green fuel ready, including the service operation vessel (SOV), which Esvagt and Ørsted are expected to receive in 2024 and which will be the first of its kind with green fuel capability.

Peter Lytzen, CEO Esvagt, said: “We are extremely busy, not least with servicing offshore wind turbines, so we are very much looking forward to receiving our new SOV from the yard next year. We need it. And then there is also a wonderful feeling that the ring will be closed when the ships that contribute to setting up more green energy can in the near future themselves sail on green fuels. Then we really start to make progress.”

The ordered tonnage has increased by 7% compared to the same time in 2022. Measured by tonnage, the green development appears even more clearly, with over 80% of this new tonnage able to sail on green fuels. Danish shipping companies represent various different segments. Most new orders are for container ships, but tugs represent another significant number. 

Jacob K Clasen, CEO Danske Rederier said: “The Danish shipping companies have really signed up to the green transition. It is a very significant development when more than 80% of the new tonnage that is on the way is on ships that can sail on green fuels. The new ships will also replace older and less energy efficient ships, so this is a very welcome development.”

Earlier in 2023, A.P. Møller-Mærsk’s new container ship, Laura Mærsk, which can sail on green e-methanol, entered service.

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