Athens-based Metis Cyberspace Technology has launched a new set of tools to help shipping companies manage their environmental impact and achieve their decarbonisation goals while ensuring compliance with industry regulations.
Comprising three distinct but related applications – AER Monitoring and Analysis, CII Monitoring and Analysis and MRV/DCS Compliance Documentation and Reporting – the new functionality helps shipowners to keep pace with an evolving maritime regulatory landscape for which environmental concerns are a primary driver.
The tools allow owners to monitor and analyse their fleets’ greenhouse gas emissions against industry metrics including the AER (annual efficiency ratio) and the forthcoming IMO CII (carbon intensity indicator) regulation. They facilitate the reporting of GHG emissions and the preparation of documentation in line with the EU MRV (monitoring, reporting and valuation) and the IMO’s DCS (Documentation Collection System) requirements.
In addition to helping shipowners demonstrate regulatory compliance, the solutions support efforts to improve environmental performance in the long term.
Andreas Symeonidis, Marketing Manager, Metis, said: “The new layers of functionality will assist shipowners not only in proving their compliance with regulations but also in achieving compliance in the first place and, crucially, maintaining it. Users will be able to visualise emissions over time based on accurate trend lines, determine what they need to change to reduce those emissions and evaluate the efficacy of the actions they are taking to achieve the necessary reductions.”
With Metis’s automated data-acquisition system ensuring data quality, frequency and availability, the new applications enrich a digital platform that already offers route-cost optimisation, weather forecasting, electric power profiling, and port operations analysis.
Symeonidis said: “At Metis, we follow industry developments closely and rapidly deploy additional functionality to our cloud-based platform as emerging requirements dictate. The result is the most comprehensive manufacturer-independent platform on the market, providing end-to-end support for owners transitioning towards digital and environmentally friendly shipping operations.”
Metis is involved in the EU-backed Engimmonia project, for which the Athens-based company is providing digital data-acquisition services to support the testing of clean energy solutions on board three vessel types, and has signed a memorandum of understanding with German company Carl Baguhn, establishing a long-term strategic partnership to improve the environmental performance of existing ships and power plants.